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Russia admits use of vaporized bombs.

The Times reported on April 10 that Russia has admitted to using deadly fuel-vaporized bombs in Ukraine. Fuel-vaporized bombs are weapons that can kill or injure people even those hiding in shelters, and their use against civilians would be a violation of international humanitarian law.

fuel vaporization bomb

Functions, properties and their treatment

Although there is little damage from debris, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure can cause internal ruptures.
combustiondue tooxygento consume all of it.chokingdeathThe company may also make the client In addition,1990sthe first of the seasonthe Gulf WarIn a wide range ofdesertdispersed and hidden in the sand.Iraq militarytank (military vehicle)Units and AccompanyinginfantryThe weapon was used to reduce the number of Iraqi soldiers who were killed by the huge fireballs generated when the weapon was activated.dugoutand tanks, killed by being steamed to death, crushed to death by shock waves without noticeable trauma, or suffocated without oxygen.[2]The following is a list of the most common problems with the
Human Rights Watch report of February 1, 2000.[3]The "Mere Old Man" quotes a study by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency on the effects of fuel vaporization bombs, which states in summary: "The [blast] killing mechanism on a live target is unique and unpleasant. The killing mechanism [of the blast] on a live target is unique and unpleasant. The shock wave is lethal, but even more lethal is the rarefaction (vacuum) that follows the pressure wave, rupturing the lungs ... If the fuel ignites without exploding, the victim will be severely burned and will inhale the burning fuel. Because the most common FAE fuels, ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, are highly toxic, FAEs that do not detonate should be as lethal to personnel trapped in the cloud as most chemical agents."